How to get volume from density and mass? formula

How to get volume from density and mass?

One cannot get the volume of a substance from only the density of the substance. The mass of the substance is also required to find it. There is a relation between the density, volume and mass of a substance as Volume = mass × density.

If m and d be the mass and density of the substance respectively, then the formula for volume of the substance is V= m×d ………(1).

Using equation-(1), the volume of a substance can be found from its density and mass. Clearly, these three physical quantities are related to each other. if we know the values of any two among these three quantities, the other quantity can be calculated easily by simple mathematics.

Process to get volume:

  1. First, know the value of density of the substance. Usually, examiners provide it during asking the question. Again, density is a physical property of materials or substances which is available on the internet or in any physics textbook. For example, the density of pure water is 1 g/cm3 in CGS and 1000 kg/m3 in SI unit.
  2. Now, you also need to know the mass of the given substance. If the mass is not provided then measure it using a beam balance or a digital weight machine.
  3. When you have the values of the mass and density of the substance, you can find its volume by multiplying the mass with the density i.e. by using the above equation-(1).

Numerical problems on density

1. The density of an object is 800 kg/m3. Find the volume of a 2 kg object.

The formula for volume is, Volume = mass × density

Using the given data, the volume of the object = 2×800 = 1600 m3……..(Answer)

This is all from this short article on the relation between mass, density and volume. Hope you got your answer. If you still have any doubts on this topic you can ask me in the comment section.

Thank you!

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