Vernier Calipers – diagram, readings and use

Suppose you need to measure the length of a notebook. What will you do? I guess, you will measure it with your ruler scale. That’s fine because you don’t have to consider the error here. But if you are asked to measure the thickness of a thin rectangular plate, then which instrument will you use? … Read more

What is Standard Form of a number? See example

Here we’re to discuss what is Standard Form in maths and how to write numbers in standard form. Standard Form, also known as Scientific notation of numbers, is a way to express very large or very small numbers in a more compact and convenient form. It is widely used in maths of scientific and technical … Read more

Rounding off the numbers in Significant figures

To write a decimal number in short, we need to round off the numbers up to some significant figures. Suppose we have to present a long decimal number 65.3452343….. up to two or three significant figures after the decimal. This may look very easy, but it is not the case. There are some rules to … Read more

Units of Pressure & Conversions in SI, CGS and FPS

Pressure is a physical quantity that has wide uses in Science, especially, in fluid mechanics and hydrostatics. We need to deal with the pressure to know the nature of the flow of a fluid, to measure the amount of stress that a body can handle, to get forecast of weather, to study the behavior of … Read more

Types of errors in measurement – sources and corrections

Error is a part of measurement. In an experiment, the aim is to get accurate result. But, practically it is very difficult to achieve 100% accuracy in a measurement. When the measured value differs from the actual value, then there is an error in that measurement. That means, if there is no 100% accuracy, then … Read more

Accuracy and precision with example & differences

We often hear the two words accuracy and precision during the measurement of a physical quantity in an experiment. Most of the students feel that these two terms have the same meaning. But these are much different from each other. In this article, we are going to discuss the concepts and differences between accuracy and … Read more

How to get volume from density and mass? formula

How to get volume from density and mass? One cannot get the volume of a substance from only the density of the substance. The mass of the substance is also required to find it. There is a relation between the density, volume and mass of a substance as Volume = mass × density. If m … Read more

Rules for significant figures in Calculations

Suppose you have calculated a value and the calculator is showing it as 10.333333…. Now, what will you write to express the number? Up to what decimal number will you take the data? To know this, the concept of significant digits is essential. Significant figures or significant digits are very important in measurements to write … Read more