BSc Electronics
Vacuum Tubes
Semiconductor Materials
- Intrinsic, Extrinsic, p-type, n-type semiconductor materials
- What is a hole? How the holes produce? How the holes move in semiconductor?
- Define doping. Why do we need doping in semiconductor?
- Mobility. Why the mobility of electron is greater than holes?
p-n junction diode
- Diode operation, depletion layer, potential barrier, biasing
- Diode rectifier circuits
- Zener diode as voltage regulator, Breakdown
- Tunnel diode
- Light Emitting diode (LED)
- Photo Diode
- Varactor diode
- Clipper circuits
- Clamping Circuits
Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT)
- Basic of BJT
- Difference between npn and pnp Transistor
- Input and Output Characteristics of BJT
- CE, CB and CC mode of BJT
- Use of BJT as a Switch
- Transfer curve of BJT
- BJT based Darlington pair Amplifier
Field Effect Transistor
Operational Amplifier (OP-AMP)
- Construction of an OP-AMP
- Inverting amplifier
- Non-inverting Amplifier
- Adder circuit
- Subtractor circuit
- Integrator circuit
- Differentiator circuit
- Logarithmic circuit
- Anti-log circuit
- Voltage comparator circuit
- Schmitt Trigger circuit
- Darlington pair Amplifier
- Different types of Amplifier – class-A, B, AB, C, AF, RF, VF etc.
- Current Amplifiers
- Power Amplifiers
- Feedback networks
- Amplifier to Oscillator
- Different types of Oscillators
Filter circuits
- R-C Filter circuits
- OP-AMP based filter circuits
Digital Electronics
- Basic logic gates with truth table
- XOR gate
- XNOR gate
- NAND gate
- NOR gate
- Boolean algebra
- Karnaugh map
- Diode and Transistor based AND, OR, NOT, NAND and NOR gates
- Decimal, Binary, octal and hexadecimal conversions
- Multiplexer (MUX) and De-multiplexer (DEMUX)
- Seven Segment digital clock
- Half and Full Adder
- Half and full Subtractor
- Latch circuit to store information
- Clock pulse and Trigger
- S-R flipflop
- J-K flipflop
- D-FF and T-FF
- Asynchronous counter
- Synchronous Counter
- Shift resister
- Introduction to Microprocessor
- Memory units in a Computer
- Input devices in Computer
- Output devices in Computer
- Microprocessor 8085